Wednesday, November 27, 2013

DECEMBER NEWS 2013 PANCAKE BREAKFAST Many thanks to the entire Family and School Committee, their families and all those (including volunteer high school students) who cooked, served and helped to make this year’s Pancake Breakfast on November 24th a success. The food was really delicious (many compliments), the decorations and atmosphere were terrific and the company was pleasant. Our thanks also to the 300 guests who came to enjoy the event! Everyone’s hard work brought a profit of $910.00 to the school. THANK YOU! FOOD DRIVE Thank you students of Annunciata School, again, for participating in the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive sponsored by the Annunciata Student Council. Thanks to your overwhelming generosity, 870 food items were collected and donated to the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry. Thank you for helping make a difference in the lives of our community residents. COLLECTION FOR TORNADO VICTIMS IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS Your compassion was evident again when you contributed to the collection for those many families in Illinois who lost their homes and everything due to the devastating tornado that demolished several areas in our state. The donation from our students collected through the Out of Uniform event sponsored by the Student Council is $335.00 We are proud of the generosity and caring that our student body and parents show for those in need. Compliments and thanks to the Student Council for coordinating the food drive and for the Out of Uniform Event. WELL DONE! ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM—TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH—7:00 P.M. Parents/guardians, grandparents, family and friends are all invited to join us for an evening of musical delight. Our children and teachers are working very hard to present our Christmas Program. The school children, Pre-K—8, should wear “Sunday Best” clothing—red and/or green or Holiday dress. If a grade needs to wear something special, the teachers will inform the families. On December 17th the children should be in Church by 6:45 p.m. They are to leave their coats with their families. The children will be sitting with their classes until the end of the program. INCLEMENT WEATHER We are in the season of unpredictable weather conditions. Please listen to the weather reports on radio and TV. We will also use the School Reach phone system. That is why we need accurate phone numbers; please notify the school if you change your phone number. Children should dress appropriately for the weather.