Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It’s difficult to believe that Easter is just around the corner. Holy Week is fast approaching. Has your Lent been all that you anticipated! There is still time to reflect and do whatever you wanted to accomplish for self-improvement during this Lent. Holy Week including the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) is a perfect time to refresh your commitment. Remember, in God’s eyes you are never too late!

On Saturday, April 25, 2009 our second graders will receive communion for the first time. They have been working very hard in preparation. Please keep them in your prayers at this very special and exciting time. A photographer will be available in the school hall for individual communion photos from 9-10:30 a.m. and after mass until about 1 p.m.

IT’S NOT TOO LATE! We are still collecting for the food pantry for The St. Vincent DePaul Society. Your generosity will help to give a Happy Easter to several needy families in our area. Sharing is a wonderful way of caring for others. MANY THANKS!

Anyone that needs to fill out the transportation reimbursement form may do so until the last day of school. The form will be in the school office. You will need your social security number and the mileage from your house to school (needs to be over a mile and a half one way to qualify).

We ask for prayers for our eighth graders. They have been preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation that will take place in May. Since the beginning of this school year, they have been doing service hours, as well as, keeping up with their studies. On March 31st they enjoyed the experience of the Confirmation Retreat where they were provided time to reflect on the present and their future.

On Friday, May 1st, our 8th graders will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our prayers are with our 8th graders as they accept more responsibility for their faith. After the ceremony, the Family and School Association and will host a reception for the Confirmandi and their families.

Report cards for the third quarter for all grades, PK through 8th, will be distributed on Friday, April 3rd by Mrs. Miceli. Please review the report cards, sign them and return them to the homeroom teacher by Monday, April 6th. If you have any concerns, please call for an appointment with your child’s teacher.

Classes will be in session through 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8th. We will be out of school from Thursday, April 9th through the week of April 13th. Classes will resume on April 20th.

Blessings for a Happy and Holy Easter!