Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SUPER BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March 9, 2014 SUPER FANTASTIC SUPER AWESOME SUPER EXCITING SUPER WONDERFUL Many thanks to the Bingo Team and all who helped with Super Bingo! All of your hard work provided a fun day for everyone. The sold out event was TERRIFIC. All proceeds from Bingo go directly to the school; and the unbelievable PROFIT was $9,000 WOW! A huge THANK YOU to the 6th and 8th grade boys’ basketball teams and coaches for helping to set-up on Friday night! It was a tremendous help to the Bingo team. Thanks also to one and all that helped—without you, Super Bingo would not have been such a success. Such great success is attributed to the combined efforts of room parents that coordinated the baskets; basket makers that put the baskets together; parents that donated basket items; parents that donated entire baskets or large items for raffles; parent volunteers that set up for the event; parent volunteers that helped at the event; parents that brought groups of friends and family and co-workers to play; and the Bingo crew that coordinated the entire event. All proceeds go directly to the school budget, and the Annunciata School administration, faculty, staff and children are greatly appreciative for all the hard work everyone put into this SUPER SPECIAL EVENT. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!